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Data migrations from one database to another can give rise to unusual processing requests. In this example, a temporary table has been created and has been populated with data. The table consists of three columns: f1 int, f2 int and f3 which is a string. The 3rd column contains information in the form “a,b,c” or “a-b-c” or “a;b;c”. The information in the 3rd column must be expanded out to insert information into the live table with records { f1, f2, “a”}, {f1, f2, “b”} and {f1, f2, “c”}.
1 9 a,b,c 2 9 a;b;c 3 9 a-b-c
Should return
1 9 a 1 9 b 1 9 c 2 9 a 2 9 b 2 9 c 3 9 a 3 9 b 3 9 c
There are two ways to perform this action, the first is pre-loading the information into the database expand the data out using command line tools such as awk or create a store procedure which takes the data and merges it into the live table.
The sample code provided here deals with the second scenario.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_info; CREATE TABLE tmp_info(f1 int, f2 int, f3 varchar(20)); INSERT INTO tmp_info VALUES (1, 9, 'a,b,c'); INSERT INTO tmp_info VALUES (2, 9, 'a;b;c'); INSERT INTO tmp_info VALUES (3, 9, 'a-b-c'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_info; CREATE TABLE t_info(f1 int, f2 int, f3 varchar(20)); DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS appenddata; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE appenddata() BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE a,b INT; DECLARE lstart, lend INT; DECLARE c VARCHAR(20); DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT f1,f2,f3 FROM tmp_info; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1; OPEN cur; read_loop: LOOP FETCH cur INTO a, b, c; IF done THEN LEAVE read_loop; END IF; -- Keep all using the same format SET c = REPLACE(c, ";", ","); SET c = REPLACE(c, "-", ","); SET lstart = 1; SET lend = LOCATE(",", c, lstart); WHILE lend > 0 DO INSERT INTO t_info(f1, f2, f3) VALUES (a, b, SUBSTRING(c, lstart, lend-lstart)); SET lstart = lend+1; SET lend = LOCATE(",", c, lstart); END WHILE; IF c <> "" THEN INSERT INTO t_info(f1, f2, f3) VALUES (a, b, SUBSTRING(c, lstart)); END IF; END LOOP; CLOSE cur; END; $$ DELIMITER ; call appenddata(); SELECT * FROM t_info;
The output from this process is as follows:
f1 f2 f3 1 9 a 1 9 b 1 9 c 2 9 a 2 9 b 2 9 c 3 9 a 3 9 b 3 9 c