RapidWeaver – Formloom and MySQL Reserved Words

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I have same many times users of Formloom running into difficulty during the applying of data into the database. In most cases this is directly related to the use of reserved words for field names. For example, the word REPEAT is reserved in MySQL. This can be handled by escaping the entries but this does not appear to be done in Formloom. As a result, the best practice is to avoid the use of the reserved words. I have compiled a list of all the MySQL reserved words for releases 5.0, 5.1 and 5.5.

Click here to see this post with all the reserved words. Some reserved words have been added in specific versions of MySQL and these can be seen with the asterisk “*” before the icon indicating that it is a reserved word. If you hover over this it will provide more details concerning the specific versions that it was either included or deprecated.